Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 186- Pack Appropriately for a Trip

I must admit this may be the first task I scrap in the future. I wanted to pack lightly and not worry about having to check in my bags, but there were so many things I got annoyed with on this one, and it stressed me out more than I wanted.

In the past we have had issues with checking in our luggage, like when we went to Alaska and our luggage never arrived, and we were wearing short sleeved shirts and flip flops. We did get our luggage a day later.

There was also the time we went to Scotland, and I spent most of the trip wearing the same two outfits, and finally got my luggage the last two days of our trip.

The thing that completely drove me crazy about having only a carry on was the liquid thing. I understand why they have the rules for security, but it doesn't mean that it still can't drive me crazy. I just couldn't fit all of my liquids into the appropriate plastic bag.

I also would have also liked to have been able to bring my knitting, but was unable to do that. There were other items I would have liked to bring as well. I also didn't like rolling my bag around with me wherever I went. I guess this whole experience with the baggage is a personal thing, and what works for one person may not work for another.

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