Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 195- Save on Electricity

There are always ways you can save on money and today I thought I'd work on saving money on our electricity bill.

One thing I have noticed is the fact that I leave the lights on way too often. So I really need to make sure I turn off those lights when I'm not in the room. I'm also reprogramming our thermostat, so it doesn't have to run so much. Luckily we've had some pretty nice weather in Virginia, so I haven't had to worry about this at the moment, but I thought I'd be prepared anyway.

I'm also going to make sure I unplug any electrical devices that I'm not using. A lot of electricity can be wasted by anything that's plugged in, even if it's not being used. I have never realized how many things I keep plugged in that don't have to be, including the microwave, TV, computer, router, printer, toothbrush, phone, etc.

One thing that is also eating up electricity is our old fridge. It seems like it is always running. I can't solve this problem right away, but our fridge will be replaced within the next couple of months, and that is probably what will make the biggest difference.

I know there are several other things I can do to save on electricity, but I figured this is a good start.

1 comment:

  1. I love this and borrowed a little of the idea for my own resolution today!!! Can't wait till Thursday for some Ash Wednesday practice! Believe or not but Thursdays are my favorite day because of Choir and the way that it allows me to escape and come praise Jesus!
