Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 197- Message Board

I've decided today that I am going to place a white board on our refrigerator. I also put a white board in my office at work. This wasn't on my original list of tasks to do, but I thought I needed to add this one since I've been working so hard on catching up on everything this week. This is something that will definitely help with my organizational skills.

If I don't write it down I will forget. A lot of times when people tell me something it goes right in one ear and out the other. I often think of something I need to do or something I want to tell my husband and then forget about it. So having a little message board will help with some of these issues, especially when I need to leave a message for my husband or if I have something really important to do; I can write it on the board and I will be sure to do it.

I also have my daily planner from a task I had a while back, and that in itself has made all the difference. But I needed a little bit more help, and I think this is a solution.

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