Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 211- Don't Take My Work Home With Me

This almost seems a little odd to me considering where I work. Most people know that I am the music minister for a church, and while I do want to take God with me wherever I go, I shouldn't necessarily take the rest of my job home with me.

I love my job and it plays a very important role in my life, but I need that time away from work for myself and my little family (Yes, I consider my kittens a part of that little family). Sometimes it almost doesn't seem right calling it a job, because it is such a joy for me.

It's really hard for me to do this. I love what I do; I love all the planning and practice that goes into my job. I don't think I could have a more enjoyable job. But I think to keep my life balanced I need to know when it's time to just stop working. I need to know when it is time to just relax or do something else. When I'm at work I need to do work and when I'm at home I just need to make sure I stop working.

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