Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day 305- Be More Energetic

Even with getting enough sleep I can't help but feel this lack of energy throughout the day. It usually seems to hit me at around 2 pm in the afternoon, but it has been know to hit me earlier in the day. My goal here is to revive myself; I need to get some more energy. So I have come up with some tips that will hopefully help me out with this task.

Tips to be more energetic:

  • Exercise (My problem is I usually exercise towards the end of the day. Maybe I need to switch it to earlier in the day.)
  • Listen to lively music (I already listen to music, but I guess 'lively' music will help. Also sing along with the lively music.)
  • Get enough sleep (I think I'm on the right track with this one.)
  • Take a 10-30 minute nap (I'm really unsure about this one, because sometimes I actually feel even more tired after a nap, but maybe I'm napping too long.)
  • Talk to someone (When I'm by myself that's when it seems like I lose the most energy, but when I'm in a lively conversation with someone I tend to get an automatic boost in energy.)
  • Avoid certain foods (That caffeine and sugar won't wake me up. It may have an immediate effect in increasing my energy, but in the long run it will just drag me down.)
  • Keep busy (Work on chores or work, but don't sit and do nothing.)
  • Act energetic (This goes back to my post from a few days ago about acting the way I want to feel.)
Hopefully some of these little tips will help get me on the right track.

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