Saturday, October 9, 2010

Day 53- Treat the Flu

Todays task wasn't the one I had planned for today, but I don't think you can plan on getting the flu. When I woke up this morning I wasn't feeling the greatest. My stomach hurt, and my whole body just ached. So I guess todays task is going to be to rest, and take care of myself.

Many times when I'm sick I will try to suck it up, and just deal with it, but I decided it's probably best to take it easy and try to get myself better. I don't think I would really be up to doing anything today. I'm not really sure that today would be a day that I could just 'suck it up' anyway.

When you get the flu it's important to get plenty of rest. It's also important to drink plenty of fluids, and stay away from stressful situations. So here's my plan for today. I've got my blanket. I've got my pillow. I have dressed down into my sweats, and I've got my cat sock slippers on. I've got my Tums, and I've got my water, and I'm just going to rest and take it easy for the remainder of the day. Sometimes you just need to take care of yourself and that's the plan for today, and hopefully I'll be feeling better tomorrow.

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