Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 57- Exercise (15 minutes)

This has been a very tricky one for me. I really don't like working out. My hope was that the more I stuck with this the more it would become a habit, and the more I'd like it, but unfortunately that's not the case yet. Notice I said yet, because I do believe that I will enjoy working out eventually. I still have faith that this one will someday bring enjoyment into my life.

I will not give up on this one, because I believe that this is an important one to better my health. So far I have been pretty good at doing my mini-workouts. I have been working out five days a week and have been giving myself the weekends off

There have been certain days that I've forgotten to workout, and when that happens the next day I'll just double my workout or I may work out during one of my weekend days, but I don't like to do that, because I prefer to leave the weekend as my relaxation days. Doubling my workout works out fine now, but in the future when I really start to increase my time this may be a problem. We'll just have to see what happens.

So here I go with another increase to fifteen minutes. I didn't really feel like increasing my time yet, but I can't put it off any longer. Hopefully I'll begin to find that enjoyment in working out in the near future. We will have to just wait and see what happens. I'm thinking that maybe if I set a goal for myself, maybe that will give me something to really strive for, and make it a bit more interesting and fun.

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