Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 70- Wash the Windows

I figured I hadn't done a task lately that had to do with cleaning. As I sat on my couch, looking outside at our pumpkins that we had just carved, I suddenly realized how dirty our windows and sliding door were. So I decided what better day than today to clean those windows and o course the sliding door too.

One thing that I've noticed is that every time I say a task won't be so bad, something happens and it ends up being more difficult than originally planned. It was no different with cleaning the windows. We have the type of windows where you can clean the inside and outside by just pulling the window up and out, if that makes sense. I went to clean the other side of the window, and when I went to pull it up and out I ended up pulling the whole window out. It took me awhile to figure out how to get it back in, and I actually ended up with an extra part to the window in the end. I don't think I was supposed to have that extra part, but oh well. I just won't open that window for awhile.

There were two windows that I avoided. The first one was in the bathroom. The blinds are pretty much literally hanging by a thread, and since it is the bathroom I didn't want to even touch that. The other window I left alone was in one of the back rooms. There is a small beehive in between the window and the screen. I know they can't get in, but I'm deathly afraid of bees. So I just avoided that window all together.

This fear of bees goes back to when I was a child. We used to play tag through our long line of pine trees. The object was to get from one side to the other without getting caught. One time I was being chased, and I looked behind me to make sure I was still in the clear, and when I looked forward there was a huge beehive, the size of a basketball. Luckily I missed it just in the nick of time, but I think that scarred me for life. I think that was also the end of playing tag through the pine trees too. So anyway, the windows got done, and once I finished it just seemed to brighten everything up inside of our house.

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