Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 69- Word a Day

In an effort to increase my memory, and to increase my 'brain power', I thought today I would begin to learn a new word a day. The average vocabulary of an adult is 10,000 words. I probably have 5000 words in my vocabulary. OK, so maybe I'm being a little hard on myself. I know more than that. Learning new words engages the brain's language centers, frontal lobes and memory circuits. Essentially it is giving your brain a workout.

Will I be able to remember all these new words? Probably not, but it will be fun to try. Maybe if I keep learning new words I can eventually beat my parents at Scrabble when I go home to visit them, but I think that might be asking for a bit much.

I think it may also be helpful for my blog. I know I'm not perfect when it comes to correct grammar and the only reason I get the spelling correct for some of my words is because I have spell check, but the more I do this the better I get with my writing, and hopefully that will be something that will continue on throughout the year. I know I must drive some people crazy with my horrendous grammar, but I'll work on that. There are some words I avoid putting on here, because honestly I don't feel like I'm using them the correct way. I freely admit I have trouble with words like 'effect' and 'affect', and those are only two of the many words that give me trouble.

If you go to you can sign up for their word of the day, and receive it by email. I found some other fun things that they have that may be interesting to try in the near future too.

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