Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day 68- Bring Out My Inner Child (Pumpkin Carving)

I'm not very artistic when it comes to things like carving a pumpkin. Just because I play the piano doesn't mean I'm creative in other aspects of my life, but I thought I'd give this one a try. I can still remember those days as a child when we would carve the pumpkins, and then separate all the seeds and cook them in the oven for a nice tasty snack. Pulling out the guts of the pumpkin was always my favorite part of this yearly ritual. It's the small, simple things like 'carving a pumpkin' that I'll never forget.

So obviously my task of the day was to carve a pumpkin. I had a very good time doing it, and it was even more fun because I got to do it with my husband. It is things like this that I just don't do enough, but should.

During the whole process I kept my pumpkin facing me, and my husband had his pumpkin facing him.  I didn't tell my husband what I was carving, and he didn't tell me what he was carving. We ended up both carving cats. I'm not sure how great my pumpkin looks. Its mouth is a little crooked, and his whiskers aren't the same length on both sides, but that doesn't matter, because either way it was something fun to do that helped bring out my inner child.

 Mine is on the left with the crooked mouth,
 and my husbands is on the right
All lit up at night.

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