Friday, November 26, 2010

Day 101- Unpack Right Away After a Trip

I just got back from my short little trip to Wisconsin, and one of my common problems I have is not unpacking my stuff right away. I usually am so tired when we get back that I just don't have the energy to do anything but go to sleep or veg out for the rest of the day.

My suitcase is usually on the ground next to my bed for the next few weeks, until I finally decide its time to put my luggage away or I'm going on another trip so I need to repack everything. So, after we got back from the airport today the first thing I did was unpack my suitcase and put everything back in its proper place.

It really didn't take that long, but I must admit I didn't have very much stuff to unpack from this short trip. I was only gone for a few days. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens when I go on a trip where I'm gone for a week or more. It's all about keeping organized. I don't want to take any steps backwards when it comes to my organizational habits, and this is something that would have taken me backwards, because I would have had stuff next to my bed, and that is something I corrected a long time ago on a previous blog.

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