Monday, November 29, 2010

Day 104- No Emotional or Stress Eating

It's hard to believe it's almost December. I'm not so sure how we made it to December so fast. This year just seemed to fly by. I know from past experience that I am beginning one of my most hectic and stressful times of the year. I have so many things going on at work, and that increase in stress during this time of year doesn't seem to just affect me, but I also notice it in others around me. This craziness going on from others seems to be something that also affects my stress level. 

One thing I have noticed about stressful days is the tendency to overeat during those times. So I decided to take control of the situation. There are a few things I can do to control the moments when I want to eat due to my emotional or stress level. As soon as I feel like grabbing for an unhealthy snack or something sweet I need to try to identify the source of my stress. I need to make sure I respond rather than react to these emotional stresses. 

Many of these ideas to help control my stressful eating I am doing already, but some of them can be added to my list. First the things I'm already doing: Eat breakfast, carry a healthy snack, drink plenty of water, exercise, aromatherapy, and simple breathing exercises. 

Some new things I can try are to give myself a self-massage. I need to just take a minute and maybe give myself a little foot rub or in my case maybe massage my hands, since my hands get so tired from all that practicing I'm usually doing. When I do feel like eating something I need to let that be the only thing I do. I shouldn't sit in front of the TV or browse the internet while eating. And finally laugh; laughter is truly the best medicine. 

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