Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day 105 - Exercise (25 Minutes)

Working out is still my biggest challenge. I feel like I haven't found my groove yet, but I continue to plug away in the hopes it will get easier for me. Today I thought it was about time that I make an increase to my workouts. So I have gone from 20 minutes to 25 minutes. 

I really worked on trying to find a variety of activities I could do to keep my workouts interesting. I can't constantly keep doing the same thing, because I get bored very easily. And since my workout schedule has increased considerably since I first began I really need to keep that variety of activities going to keep my interest going.

As I continue to move along with my workouts I hope I will find what I need to keep me motivated, so I will continue to make my life healthier. One thing I can say is at least I'm sticking with it, and haven't given up. 

Before I started this blog I think I would have given up a long time ago, but I haven't. I think that shows the determination I have as I continue down this year long journey of mine, and this goes with everything I have done on my entire blog. I have this continued determination and maybe a little stubbornness in there too that has helped push me along. 

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