Sunday, November 21, 2010

Day 96- Dust

Since I've been more helpful around the house I have noticed that this takes a little pressure off my husband. I realize that being resident is hard enough for him and he needs all the help he can get from me. This is one thing I can do to for him to help relieve the stress he may be feeling from being overworked. It's one less thing for him to worry about after he gets back from a long day of work.

As my cleaning tasks begin to grow our house becomes cleaner and cleaner, and I realize how easy it is to clean when you do it on a regular basis. It's easier to clean something before it gets dirty than wait before you start to see the dirt and grime. So dusting is my new cleaning task to add to the many other household chores on my list.

Initially I was going to take the same approach I took with the floors and the bathrooms, and break it down, doing one small area or specific portion at time. But once I began I realized it really doesn't take that long to dust, so I ended up doing the whole house. I suppose you could break it down into rooms if you had a bigger home or if you owned a lot of belongings, but we really don't have that many possessions that need dusting so it wasn't such a big deal to do it all at once.

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