Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 95- Make My Own Bread

There's nothing like the smell of fresh homemade bread. The aroma can be intoxicating. But it's not just the smell of homemade bread, it just tastes better than store bought bread. It can also save you money, and it's also healthier for you too.

Contrary to what we are told it's not the carbohydrates or wheat in bread that's bad for you. It's the industrialization. Industries are trying to get the most bang for their buck, and what they do is put an excessive amount of yeast in the bread creating air bubbles in the bread, which is the reason for the light texture of store bought bread. They also use lower-quality grains, so the bread is missing many good nutrients. The goal of these industries is to make a loaf of bread as cheaply as possible, sacrificing flavor, nutrition, and texture along the way. I really can't blame the industries for going the cheap route. They're just trying to make a living for themselves and their employees. There are also a lot of preservatives used in store bought bread to increase the shelf life. Have you noticed how store bought bread takes forever to mold now-a-days? That's not necessarily a good thing. Food is meant to go bad after specific amount of time. It was never meant to last forever. 

So I decided I will make my own bread from now on. I'm going by way of the lazy cook route. I have a bread machine so I will just throw my ingredients in that bread machine and go. The good thing is that bread really doesn't take that many ingredients. I think overall any kind of homemade bread is healthier than store bought bread, but of course the healthiest way to go is of the whole grain variety. I figure if I'm feeling a bit lazy I could always call my friend to make me some bread. I'm sure she would be more than happy to do this for me. 

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