Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day 107- Get a New Pillow

Many people get attached to their pillows, and I am definitely one of those people. But a pillow should be replaced every year or two. Some questions you need to ask yourself are: Is the foam inside lumpy? Does your feather pillow need to be fluffed up for support? If you fold your pillow in half does it stay that way? If you answered yes to any of these questions than it's time to change that pillow. There are also a few other reasons you should get a new pillow.

In my case, I have noticed I have been getting a lot of backaches  and neck aches lately, and I notice it quite a bit when I wake up in the morning. So I've come to the conclusion that it's most likely my pillow that is causing all these aches and pains.

Now, the gross part. WARNING!! You might not to read this is you want to get a good nights sleep tonight. Dust mites live off dead skin cells, which lurk in your bed. As you sleep, your skin sheds and works its way down into your mattresses and pillow, and can multiply into colonies of dust mites. There can be as many as 30,000 dust mites living in just 1 oz. of dust. So having a pillow for a very long time could mean you have many little dust mites living right beneath your head. If you're really freaked out by the dust mites there are also dust mite pillow cases and mattress pads available that will protect your pillows and mattresses.

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