Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day 114- Eat Only When I'm Hungry

I never realized until today how often I eat when I'm not really hungry. When I decided to put this as my task for the day, I didn't think it would be such a problem. But throughout the day I caught myself periodically grabbing something to eat, and then I realized I wasn't hungry so I had to put that item back down.

This is something I will really have to take a conscience effort to achieve. I think the biggest challenge will be figuring out when I am actually hungry. I need to figure out those signals my body gives me to tell me it's time to eat. You wouldn't think it would be so hard, but I found I usually eat long before my stomach is telling me it wants food.

Surprisingly I find that after I've been asleep the entire night that I really am not hungry in the morning, but I will not cut out my breakfast. Dinner will also be something I may eat when I may not be particularly hungry. So aside from breakfast and dinner I should be able to follow the rule of not eating unless I'm hungry.

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