Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 139- Improve My Posture

You'd think as a pianist I'd have very good posture, but as soon as I'm done playing I go in to slouch mode. I'm always slouching and and I know that is probably one of the reasons I suffer from backaches. I am also the shortest person in my family at 5'3",  so I need all the help I can get to make myself look taller.

Having good posture not only makes you look better and taller, but it's also beneficial to your health. Good posture is good for your neck and your spine. Having bad posture can also cause abnormal wear tear on your joints making you prone to arthritis. Bad posture can cause your spine to be fixed in an abnormal position, which can lead to disc and nerve damage, and constricted blood vessels and nerves.

If you have proper posture in also means your organs are positioned in their proper position in your body. Good posture helps prevent any unnecessary pressure on your organs, muscles and ligaments, and also helps improve your breathing.

A good way to get good posture is to imagine a string attached to your head pulling you up. Some other tricks are to raise your arms above your head, and slowly bring them down to your side. Also certain things like ballet and yoga can help with posture. I'm sure there's many more ideas, but those are just a few I came up with.

Having good posture is not something I can improve overnight it will take time. I will have to give myself little reminders about my posture every once in awhile, but hopefully after awhile it will be something that will feel natural.

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