Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 138- Use Coupons

I really would like to save money, and I think one way is to use coupons. I have noticed that every time we go grocery shopping it just seems like we're spending way too much on groceries, and I go to the Commissary, which is cheaper anyway.

So today when we went grocery shopping I brought some coupons along. Granted I didn't save a lot of money. Today I only saved $2.40, but I only had a small amount of coupons saved up. I'm sure I'll find a few tricks to getting more coupons, and find more ways to save using my coupons.

I know there are several ways to get coupons and I haven't used up all of my resources yet. The standard method is your Sunday and Wednesday newspaper, but the Commissary also has a flyer at the entrance I usually grab. I also know that you can get coupons online and print them out. My problem with this method is I don't have a printer so that creates an issue.

It's all about learning and experimenting. I'm sure the more I use coupons the more I'll save in the long run.

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