Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 137- Eat Slowly

I find I often mouw down my food without taking my time to truly enjoy the meal. So I thought I should start eating slower at my meals.

Aside from having the benefit of having more enjoyment of what you are eating, there are many benefits to eating slower. By eating slower you are more likely to eat fewer calories. If you don't do anything different you could lose up to 20 pounds a year doing this. This is similar to my post on 'Hara Hichi Bu' which is eating until your 80 percent full. By eating slower you are more likely to be more aware of this 80% full philosophy sooner, and end up eating less.

You'll also have better digestion because you will be chewing your food up completely, which is also good because than you will also be less likely to choke on your food. I often find that I eat so fast sometimes that I end up choking. You may also have better food choices, because by eating slower you are tasting that food, and may end up changing your likes and dislikes when it comes to certain foods.

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