Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 199- Cut Down on the Bad Carbs

I decided today I would begin to cut down on all the bad carbs. I'm not going to stop eating those bad carbs, but just cut back. If I decide I want to eat a potato once in awhile I'll have one. After all it is ok to have some of those bad carbohydrates in your diet, but I must admit I tend to go a little overboard.

So what constitutes as a bad carb or a good carb? Well for the most part good carbohydrates are still in their natural state and have not been processed or altered by people and machines. Following is a list of the good carbs:

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables except potatoes
  • Beans
  • Legumes
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Whole grain breads
  • Whole grain pasta
  • Whole grain cereals
  • Some dairy products
I have been doing pretty good about eating some of these items, but not definitely not all of them. There are a few items I could be eating more of on this list. But this is not the part I'm working on today. I'll worry about some of these items on the good carbohydrate list later. It's the fact that I'm eating too many of the bad kind of carbohydrates that I need to fix. Following is a list of some of the bad carbs:
  • Candy
  • Baked goods with refined white flour
  • White pastas
  • Soda
  • White bread
  • White rice
  • Potatoes
  • Alcohol
I definitely love my potatoes and pasta, so those will be the most difficult, and those are the two items that I'm going focus on the most. Although, a couple of the other items could use a little help too. Also, remember I have already been working on cutting back on soda and candy as part of a separate issue. This will be one that will take some time to get used to.

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