Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 200-Don't Dwell!

So todays task was supposed to be to refrain from buying Girl Scout cookies, but that just didn't work out the way I wanted it to. That darn Girl Scout! So I ended up going for my alternate task of 'don't dwell', which is actually probably a really good task for myself.

I am the person that just dwells on something until it eats me up inside. It can be anything really. It can be making a simple mistake in my music or maybe just doing something wrong in life, but whatever it is I can never seem to get over it.

I had an earlier post about not being afraid of making a mistake, and I guess you could say this is kind of similar to that in some ways, but sometimes it's not about the mistakes I make. It can be about what others do or say to me too. Or anything that may bother me. I guess that's the keyword. If something is bothering me, I dwell on that bothersome thing until it completely brings me down. I need to realize that sometimes I need to just get over it and move on.

This is much easier said than done. I'm sure it will be something that I will need to constantly work on. But for my first task of not dwelling, I will not dwell on the fact that I completely messed up my original task of refraining from buying Girl Scout cookies, and will thoroughly enjoy the cookies.

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