Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 201- 10 Piece Wardrobe (Spring/Summer)

My wardrobe, plus a cat

You may be wondering how I could possibly go from 15 items of clothing to 10, but really it's not that difficult. This has turned out to be one of the easiest and best tasks I have done. I love not wondering what I should wear, and I don't think anyone really notices I'm wearing only 15 items of clothing.

In fact there were a few pieces from my 15 items for winter that I hardly ever wore, so going from 15 to to 10 should be pretty easy. For the next few weeks I most likely will have a crossover between seasons, but once it gets warmer I'll start to wear just the summer pieces.

During the summer I may have to pull out a piece or two from my winter wardrobe occasionally on those cool summer nights, but I don't see that happening very often. I will also keep out a dress or skirt, but I won't add those to my regular wardrobe anymore. One thing I realized with my winter wardrobe is the fact that I really don't wear dresses or skirts that often. 

So what does my spring/ summer wardrobe contain? I have 5 shirts (1 transfer from winter), 2 pants (both transferred from winter), 1 pair of capris, and 1 jean skirt (an exception to the skirt rule, because it's  a casual skirt) and a short sleeved cardigan. 

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