Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 203- Spring Cleaning!

I've been doing pretty good with all of my household chores, but even with doing all of my chores our home just didn't seem to be as clean as it should be.

I thought that I would take today and go through and clean our entire house, making sure I got all of those nooks and crannies I may not get in my normal household chores.

I found that it took quite a bit longer than I thought it would. I'm actually still working on it. I'm about to go through the kitchen and then I think I'll have everything done.

I have to admit when our place is nice and clean I just feel so much better. There's something about the messiness and clutter that just stresses me out a bit. I don't know if I'm even aware of that stress until I clean everything and all of a sudden there is this great sense of relief.

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