Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 216- Change My Makeup

In the past I have mentioned that I have pretty sensitive skin, but instead of sticking with a makeup brand that is hypoallergenic and I know I won't have any problems with, I am constantly switching brands.

Well it finally happened I ended up having an allergic reaction to my makeup, and broke out in a horrible rash all over my face. Luckily the Allegra I've been taking has helped and today the rash wasn't nearly as bad as it was last night. Nobody seemed to notice anything odd when I was at work today; I think the appearance of the rash has improved significantly, but I can still feel it on my face. So until my skin heals I will have to go without makeup.

When my skin does heal I will go with the one brand I know works and that for me is Clinique. It's a little bit more than I like to spend, but I know I won't have an allergic reaction when I use it. I know that everybody is different and what works for me may not work for somebody else.

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