Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 218- I Am in Control of My Life

Sometimes I have these moments in my life when I feel as though everything is spinning out of control and I am just hanging on for dear life. I need to realize when that happens I am in control of my life.

When I get that feeling of chaos in my life, I need to take a step back, and tell myself "I am in control of my life". What I do and what I say are under my control.

But sometimes no matter how much control I have something will happen that is out of my control, and when that happens I need to just hand it over to God, and hope He will guide me in the right direction.

When I look back at my life I realize it has all been under my control, but I couldn't open my eyes and see that. I blamed it on bad luck or someone else, but it was me that had the control; it was me that could have changed the outcome; it was all me.

So I will learn to take control of my life and like I said when something is out of my control I will just hand it over to God, and pray for guidance.

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