Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 219- Cut Down on Fried Foods

I have a long way to go when it comes to eating healthier. I have been getting better, but there is definitely room for improvement.

Today my focus is going to be on fried foods. I notice when I eat fried foods I tend to get an upset tummy. This actually is true whenever I eat anything that's not particularly healthy for me, but fried foods seem to have the greatest negative affect on my system.

So I thought I'd cut down on fried foods. I've decided to avoid saying I'm going to give up something completely, because then I feel deprived and I want it even more, but when I tell myself I'm going to cut down on something I actually end up doing much better.

So today it's fried foods, but now that I'm almost two thirds of the way through the year I'm going to start really stepping it up. So who knows what tomorrow may bring.

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