Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 224- Strive for Sainthood

I am far from perfect, but I'd like to live my life in a way that I am working up to being a saint. My mom was definitely a saint. My dad talked about how my mom never lied, stole or did anything wrong. She had a genuine love for God and everyone around her. I think my mom lived her life as though she were working towards that sainthood. She was always so happy and full of life. 

I'd like to be that way. I think about my life and I know in my personal life there is definitely room for improvement, and I know I'm already on the right track, but I have a long way to go. I want to live my life as though I were striving to be a saint. 

Today I found an article by a man named Paul Coelo that said you should 'be like a pencil', and I really liked the analogy of how this fits with my desire to be a saint: 
  • You are capable of doing great things, but remember there is an invisible hand guiding your steps. 
  • Now and then the pencil will get dull, so it must be sharpened. This may be a bit painful, but afterwards it will write much better. Pain and sorrow can sharpen you and make you a better person.
  • There is an eraser, so we can correct our mistakes. It is important to be willing and able to correct those mistakes in our lives.
  • The important part of the pencil is not the wood on the outside, but the graphite on the inside. Pay attention to what is happening inside of you.
  • Pencils leave a mark, so be aware of your actions, because everything you do in life will leave a mark.

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