Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 250- He is Risen!

This is the day the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad!
                                                                                                 ~Psalm 118:24

After enduring a long and exhausting week, I sat down and began to think of an idea for todays post, and decided it shouldn't be about me today. I'm giving this day away.

Today it's about Jesus and his resurrection and I want to commemorate that today. I want to remember all He has done for us. He died so we could be saved. But I need to remember that just because we celebrate today doesn't mean it should end with today. This is something we need to take with us throughout the entire year.

This year was extremely emotional for me. On Holy Thursday I was in tears as I was sitting in the Chapel during adoration, and of course as the person that has a hard time with emotions, I just wanted to stop crying, because I was embarrassed. I am usually somebody that prefers to express my emotions in private; that was my post for the night.

Good Friday was the continuation of Mass from the night before. It was a very spiritual moment for me. I really didn't feel like I was working, but instead had a really great experience. The one thing that really moves me is music. I can't hide my emotions when there is music. Music brings up all my emotions that are hidden inside of me. When I sing or play the piano it is my way of praying. I say everything I want to say with my music, and I know God knows exactly what I'm trying to say when I play or sing. On Good Friday there was a lot of beautiful music that I was a part of that completely engulfed me. So many of pieces spoke to me, and expressed what I was feeling, especially one particular song.

On Saturday we had the Easter Vigil, which is long, but beautiful, and I decided I just wanted to live for the moment and enjoy every aspect of the experience, which was my post for the day. I feel I enjoyed the whole experience a lot more by not focusing on what I did wrong or worrying about the next piece, but just enjoying the moment.

So I as I close out the day today I want to put my focus on Jesus and all He has done for us. He is risen from the dead. Alleluia!

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