Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 251- Accept All that Life Has to Offer

My blog and my regular everyday life are merging together. My blog has become my life and my life has become my blog. I have so many things on my blog that have become a part of my everyday routine. While at the same time I have had events occur in my life that I was able to incorporate into my blog.

Today I realized I'm getting to some of my difficult tasks on my list that I really don't want to do. I began a task today, and then decided against it because I thought it would be too difficult.

I really need to accept all that life has to offer and that includes the good, the bad and the ugly. Avoiding the bad gets me nowhere. I tend to do that with everything in my life. I need to learn to face the bad stuff in order to grow. There's no getting around this.

It may make me feel awful and uncomfortable initially, but it has to be done. As far as the difficult task I had initially thought of for today, I guess you're going to have to wait a few more days for that one. I decided I am going to wait until after my birthday, but I am no longer going to avoid those difficult tasks or those difficult situations I come across in life. I am going to learn to face those difficult challenges in my life and face them head on.

I can't just take the good and leave the bad anymore.

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