Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 252- Listen to the Doctor (Even the One I Have at Home)

A few days ago I injured my wrist, but it wasn't until today that I finally decided to take a trip to the doctor. I went because my wrist was black and blue and started to swell. I also went because as a pianist whenever I have anything wrong with my hands, wrists or arms I get a little paranoid.

I am stuck wearing a brace for the next ten days and I am instructed not to take it off under any circumstance. I have been known to not always follow through with my doctors instructions. Sometimes I don't always take the medication they prescribe me or follow up with them like I'm supposed to or whatever else they tell me to do.

This reminds me of some of the past directions from my doctors I haven't always followed through with. One of them is the fact that I am supposed to be taking some medication that I haven't been taking because I thought I was fine and didn't need it anymore. I prefer not to mention what that medication is, but needless to say I have discovered I do need that medication. So I will make an appointment with that doctor too so I can get back on that medication. I will also take a close look at some of the other things I haven't been following through with on doctors orders and see what I can do to get myself back on track again with my health.

On a personal note I decided I should also apply this lesson to my own personal doctor, my husband. I need to listen to him more often too. So from now on I will listen to all of the doctors in my life.

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