Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 253- Celebrate Me!

Today is my birthday! I have always loved birthdays. Some years my birthday has better than others, but even with the bad birthdays I still love to celebrate.

A good friend made a comment that I should celebrate me today, and I like that comment. I should celebrate me. I should celebrate the gift of life that I was given. Life is a miracle, and being the youngest of six I sure am lucky my parents decided to have more kids. I should also especially be glad I'm alive since my mom miscarried when she was pregnant with me.

So today it's not just my birthday, but it's the celebration of life. A celebration of life that was given to me by my parents and by God Himself! So thank you for my life and all that it has brought me. Thank you for the good and the bad! Thank you for everything!

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