Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 254- No CHOCOLATE!!!

This is the tough task I was talking about a couple of days ago. I can't believe I'm doing this one. I started off by cutting down my chocolate, then switching to dark chocolate and now no chocolate.

I think I get my sweet tooth from my mom. She always had a bowl of Kisses ready to be eaten. I always did my best to help her finish the bowl when I would go and visit.

I know this one will be a challenge, but I think I can do this. I only have 111 days left. I think I can make it at least until then. I will give this one my best effort. I am tempted to give myself a break once a week, and let myself have a little chocolate, but I'm almost afraid to do that. If I allow myself to have a little bit I think it just may ruin my whole momentum, and I'll just want to constantly have that chocolate.

I have given myself a break with a few of my tasks in the past, and it has ended up turning around and biting me in the butt. I have learned that once I pick a task to do I need to stick with it. It will only be torturous for a little while.

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