Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 255- Don't Apologize?

Sometimes I think I have the tendency to over apologize. I apologize for things I don't even do and for things that don't even need an apology.

I think over apologizing can make you seem like a person that is not confident and inadequate. I also think someone that over apologizes has the tendency to be a person that is easy to walk all over. I'm just trying to be nice, but I don't think it necessarily comes across that way. I need to step up to the plate, and not apologize for everything I do.

But sometimes there are good reasons to apologize, and those are the times I need to say 'I'm sorry'. It's funny because sometimes when an apology is warranted those are the times when I don't show my regret for that particular situation and I really should. I guess what I need to do is flip things around a little bit.

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