Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 256- Get Back on Track

Sometimes I get so busy that I don't have time for all of my tasks, especially the ones pertaining to cleaning. This is what happened to me a couple of weeks ago. I was just too busy to do anything and when I did have the time I ended up being so tired that I just didn't have the energy.

I'm going to cut myself some slack, and am not going to get down on myself for not doing much, but now everything is beginning to settle; my life is beginning to get back to a normal schedule. This is the time to do all of those tasks I've been too busy to do. I think the key is to not wait too long, because then it's harder to get back on track again. I have pretty much gotten myself caught up again with all of my tasks, and it feels really good to be on a normal schedule again.

It's hard to get myself back in that routine again, but it has to be done. I'm really glad I didn't wait too long. In the future if I get busy and end up getting off track I will make sure as soon as the opportunity presents itself I will not slack and get myself right back in the swing of things again.

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