Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 307- Challenge Myself

Yesterday I got to thinking about how I just don't challenge myself enough. I know this may seem like a moot point since for the past 307 days I have been challenging myself everyday, but this is different.

A couple of months ago I was looking for a specific piece to do for church for our feast day, which was yesterday, and I ran across the above piece. I really liked it and I searched everywhere for the sheet music, but couldn't find it. But I really wanted to do it. I ended up writing down all the notes myself, which took forever. I then worked on it with a couple of my singers, and it ended up being a bit harder than I thought it would be.

I gave myself this challenge and it really felt good to work on this project. I felt this sense of accomplishment, and it all worked out pretty well. In the end it was all about singing our little hearts out to God.

So I have decided I need to give myself little projects like this once in awhile. Whether it be learning a new piece on the piano or a project for work. Maybe I could also learn how to do something new. It doesn't matter what it is, but it's just a matter of challenging myself a little more.

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