Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 310- Don't Overspend

I have been trying to think of ways to save money, but even with these money saving tricks I've been working on with some of my previous posts, there are still those moments when I come home with something I didn't need. So from now on I will make a conscious effort to watch what I spend my money on. I will watch those little extra things that make their way into my cart. Those extra things can really add up after awhile.

Some ideas that will help me with this task are as follows:

  1. Watch out for the check out areas. It isn't often, but once in awhile why I'm waiting in line I run across an item that I end up buying.
  2. Get what I need and then leave.
  3. Do I really need an upgrade?
  4. Don't shop when I'm in a hurry or hungry.
  5. Stick to a list.
  6. Don't buy anything I don't need.
I'm sure there are some more ideas that would help out, but I think this is a good start.

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