Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 317- Eat Happy Foods

I am always trying to find ways to eat healthier; it has been one of my biggest challenges. I know that when I eat a lot of sugary foods or drink too much soda it seems to hit me in a negative way. I end up feeling kind of groggy and end up with a tummy ache.

One thing that is different about this post is I am tackling the happy portion of my blog along with the healthy portion of my blog all in one post. There are certain foods out there that can actually boost your mood. I thought the next time I'm feeling kind of in the dumps and need a little boost I would try eating some of these 'happy' foods.

The natural tendency when feeling kind of blue is to go for the sugary foods, but those only create a temporary boost, and like I said eventually it brings me down again; not only because of the sugar that it contains, which as I said ends up making me feel groggy and gives me a tummy ache, but also because of the guilt I feel afterwards.

So here are a few of the happy foods that are supposed to boost your mood:

  • Bananas
  • Oranges
  • Walnuts
  • Chocolate (in moderation and preferably dark chocolate. Remember I'm not supposed to eat chocolate anymore, but a little won't hurt. Maybe I'll keep some chocolate chips available to snack on. I personally will be less likely to overdo it with chocolate chips.)
  • Turkey
  • Small quantities of red meat
  • Hot peppers
  • Water
  • Coffee (I don't drink coffee, but I thought I'd put it on anyway.)
  • Oatmeal
  • Strawberries
  • Spinach
I'm sure there are other happy foods. This is just a small list. These foods contain specific vitamins, minerals and antioxidants  that are supposed to help increase serotonin levels. I'm not sure about all the technical stuff related with these foods. All I know is that it can't hurt to eat these different foods so why not give it a try.

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