Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 356- The Last Bit of Milk in the Carton

I am that person; I am that person that leaves the last bit of milk left in the carton. I also leave one little strip of toilet paper on the holder so I don't have to change it and I'll leave the carton of soda in the fridge even if there is only one soda left in it. These are just a few examples of these things I do so I don't have to toss something out or change it.

It's not as though it takes that long to toss out the milk carton, change the toilet paper roll or toss out the box the soda came in, but it's just my thing I guess. I have no reason or rhyme for doing this. The soda thing drives my husband crazy. I have also been known to leave the empty box in the fridge too.

Why do I do the things I do? Who knows, but I think this is a good thing to improve upon today, because the soda and milk are almost gone and it's time to change the toilet paper.

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