Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 359- Do You Want to Play a Game?

Yes, I am definitely a child of the '80's. For those of you that are confused by my unusual start to this blog that is because my title for this blog is a common line from the movie 'WarGames' which of course was a movie from the '80's.

One thing I remember from the '80's is the difference in technology or rather the lack of technology. We weren't so dependent on our computers; there was no internet and if you even had a computer they weren't as user friendly as they are now. There were no cell phones, ipods, ipads etc.

I have been trying to get away from technology a bit and go back to those simpler times. I just think I have become to reliant on all of my technological devices. Today I played a couple of games of Scrabble with my dad. Granted it was played on an ipad, but it still was Scrabble.

I love playing games and I think it is a good way to help myself turn off the TV or computer. It's also a good way to work on my communication skills with those around me, because I'm not like a zombie with my eyes fixed on the computer screen or TV. So hopefully this will be a trend I continue.

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