Throughout this year I have had the occasional day where I don't really have a specific task. A couple of these days have been about reminiscing. It's about being happy for what I've got or had and being grateful for all those wonderful people that have been a part of my life. I have been very blessed to have been surrounded by these people. Today is all about the love of my life. I can't imagine how different my life would have been if I hadn't met him, but luckily I don't have to imagine.
Today I have been married for 15 years. I can remember when I first met my husband. I was taking over the piano students from another teacher and I was sitting in on some of her lessons and he happened to be one of her students. A couple of months later I took over and one day he asked if I wanted to go to a movie. Stupid me, I didn't even think it was a date. I remember that night though. It was March 11, 1996. I remember we went out for Chinese, went to 'Mr. Holland's Opus' and then went out for cheesecake at Perkins after the movie. I guess I must have eventually figured out that I was on a date, because we just kept seeing each other after that and on April 27 of that same year he told me my birthday presant was in the car, which happened to be an engagement ring. Yes, that was the proposal.
On August 10, 1996 we were married. There wasn't much to the ceremony, because I wasn't the type of girl that wanted a big, fancy wedding. While it was a nice wedding I was more interested in being married to this guy than the ceremony. I bought my dress off the rack for $75 dollars and I told my mom I wanted wild flowers in my bouquet which had to include snapdragons and one red rose. I told my bridesmaid to wear whatever she wanted and we had a small ceremony. The reception was a picnic style meal and along with the standard cake we had 'Elephant Tracks' ice cream.
We've had many adventures together. We've lived in several different states; we've traveled the world together and have been through thick and thin. Out of these 15 years of marriage we've lived together 12 1/2 years and I'm sure with him being in the military there will be more time spent apart, but I can say that absence definitely does make the heart grow fonder. Because every time he comes back after having been gone so long, I feel like I'm falling in love all over again.
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