Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 13- Martial Arts With Husband

Anyone with a view to our backyard earlier this evening may have been tempted to call the police at first sight. Because there I was trapped on the ground with my husband's foot on my head, with his arm trapping my arm into an awkward position.

You see one of my husband's favorite hobbies is martial arts. He's traveled all around the world to do training, and is an instructor in one form of martial arts, which I won't bother writing down, because I'm sure I'd butcher the name. He's always trying to get me to train with him, and although I did train with him for a short period of time, I never stuck with it. And he has since been trying to get me to continue training with him.

Well today I thought I'd take him up on his offer. Not only is doing martial arts a good form of personal defense and exercise, but it is also something I can do to spend time with my husband. And I know that whatever makes him happy also makes me happy.

In between being pinned on the ground and being eaten up by bugs I actually ended up having a good time. And we have a scheduled date for next week to do some more training.


  1. This blog is incredible. I salute you for all the great insights that you have. I have tried various things with my husband to encourage us to spend more time together, but never considered marital arts. We tried auto repair, basketball, and polo -- but these were too taxing on my system. Ultimately, not a good choice to build a relationship -- it just seemed to build more headaches. To this suggestion, I bow to you, as they would do in martial arts.

  2. Thanks! I am really enjoying doing this blog, and I have noticed so many changes already.
