Today I have been dreading my task, but I have somehow managed to get it done. My car has always been a disaster area. It is my space to do as I want, and I don't take very good care of that space.
The way I treat my car is like a trash can. I had several empty or half filled bottles of Diet Coke, candy bar wrappers, and other wrappers, receipts, money, pens, pencils, items for my hair, lip gloss and carmex, books, and jackets among other things. I don't know how all that stuff got in there.
I found when you have a clean environment you just feel so much better. It is a great boost to my mental health, and probably my physical health too. Because who knows what was growing in that car of mine.
The bad part is done, but now comes the maintenance. I decided I needed a strategy to keep this car of mine clean. My first step is to keep a box in my car. That box is for items that need to be kept in my car. I also have several bags in my car, which I will store in the back pocket of my passenger seat. These bags will be used for garbage. Finally when the interior of my car begins to get a little dusty or dirty I have a package of wet-naps especially made for the car.
Here are some images of some interesting finds in my car.
I am always looking for a pencil or pen.
I had no idea where they kept on disappearing to.
I guess the mystery is solved.
I kept on finding all sorts of items for my hair.
Of course you can't go wrong with finding money.
The most mysterious find
would have to be the cat toy.
No, I didn't find my wonderful cat Buddy (RIP)
in my car, but after finding the cat toy I
just had to put a picture up of my little guy.
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