Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day 9- Make Bed

In the short time that I've been doing this blog I have had many challenges. All of them pretty much pertain to the list, from coming up with 365 ideas to deciding what I will do next on the list. Sometimes an idea just presents itself, which is what happened last night.

As I was sleeping last night I suddenly woke up in a tangled mess. I realized that my blankets were all over the place. Part of them were completely off of me, while others were all tangled up around my neck and legs. As I untangled myself and got the blankets all situated I realized this probably wouldn't have happened if I would just make the bed in the morning. Although, it would also help if my husband didn't constantly steal all the covers at night, but we'll worry about that one later.

I decided to make it regular habit of making the bed in the morning. Not only will my bedroom appear cleaner and more organized, but it will probably help with my sleep. Everyone knows that if you get a good nights sleep you function better the next day. I have also noticed that if I don't get enough sleep I often end up making myself sick, and I will often end up coming down with some kind of virus that'll seem to last for days or weeks.

I have been known to have a case of insomnia once in awhile. I guess that comes from my parents, and maybe the Diet Coke that I drink throughout the day (Remember back from day 1. We're working on that one). I've noticed that my parents always seem to get up in the middle of the night. In fact when I went to my high school reunion on Friday night and got back to my parents house at three in the morning my Dad was wide awake reading a book. He said that he couldn't sleep, but my Mom suspects he was waiting up for me to make sure I got home all right.

I have many ideas to help me sleep at night. As you recalled earlier, one of those ideas was reading before I go to bed. So this will be the second one on my list to help promote better sleeping habits.

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