Saturday, September 4, 2010

Day 18- Put Clothes in Laundry Basket

When you walk into our bedroom one of the first things you notice is that my husband's side of the room is nice and orderly, but my side is a complete disaster area. I've fixed the problem with my clothes sitting on top of my dresser, by putting them neatly inside my dresser drawers where they're supposed to be.

But there is one more problem when it comes to the clothes that I'm wearing. Instead of putting my clothes in the laundry basket where they should go, they usually get tossed onto the floor. Hence, the reason (for the most part) why my side of the room is such a mess.

So today I thought that I would make the effort to put my clothes in the laundry basket. This is probably a good idea since we do get a lot of those nasty cockroaches here in Virginia, and sometimes we do find them inside our house. I would really hate for them to make a home in my clothing. They really do gross me out. One time I stepped on one with my bare feet, and another time I actually had one that attached itself to my shirt and began climbing down my arm. I don't usually mind bugs, but these guys really freak me out. I suppose that the messier our house is the more likely I am to find those cockroaches. So this alone is a great excuse for me to get organized.

Another benefit to putting my clothes in the laundry basket is the fact that my clothes will probably get washed right away. My husband actually is the one that usually does laundry in the house. This is not really that surprising if you know my husband. So, hopefully I can keep this task going. I just have to keep thinking about those cockroaches. If I keep that thought in my head that will definitely deter me from throwing my clothes on the floor.

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