Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 21- Water x2

I have been drinking water everyday, since I began this blog. It was the very first task that I chose to do, and I haven't faltered once. At first I couldn't imagine drinking water every day. I just wasn't a big fan of the stuff, but after drinking a water in replacement of a Diet Coke on a daily basis, I found that it actually hasn't been too bad.

I haven't really noticed any physical changes, but it's only one water. I honestly don't think that one water will really make that big of a difference to my health. But I could be wrong. I mean what do I know? I'm not a health expert. Not by a long shot.

So, today I thought I'd revisit that first day. I feel more than ready to make another substitution. I actually felt ready awhile ago, but my goal throughout this year is to not push it, and to take things slowly, to take baby steps.

Even though I thought I was ready to take the next step, I just felt that it was important to really get used to this as a daily part of my life, making sure that this had become a habit for me, and now I'm ready. So, I've decided instead of substituting one water for one Diet Coke, I will now substitute two waters for two Diet Cokes.

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