Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 23- Dermatologist

Today began the first of many doctor appointments I have planned for the year. I was supposed to do this task on Tuesday, but due to unforeseen circumstances pertaining to the fact that my car was feeling a bit under the weather, I had to reschedule for today.

Nobody looks forward to going to the doctor, but going to the Navy doctors always seems to be a chore (I know I'm married to one of those Navy doctors, but I can handle him). And actually it's not the doctors faults. It just the medical system in the military that can drive me crazy sometimes. This is why I usually avoid making appointments with the doctor if I can, but surprisingly today wasn't too bad.

I walked in and five minutes later I was called back. I was only there for about twenty minutes, and then when I went to pick up my prescription, which is usually another nightmare in the military, because you can sometimes end up waiting for a couple of hours, I ended up waiting for only ten minutes. All in all it was a pretty uneventful appointment.

So the appointment for today was because of my acne, which is really frustrating. I never had problems with acne as a teenager or in my 20's, but as soon as I hit 30 it just hit me. I've been on prescription medicine in the past, but I haven't been to the doctor in awhile for this issue, and it's something that I have to make sure I keep up with, and have been meaning to do for awhile.

I have done everything right as far as my face is concerned. I wash my face twice a day, and use a moisturizer. I also use an over-the-counter medication for acne, but nothing seemed to work. So it was off to the doctor for me.

So he ended up giving me a nice regimen. I got a facial cleanser, some antibiotics, and retin-a (yes retin-a is also used for wrinkles too. Maybe that will get rid of a few lines I have showing up around my eyes). He did say it could take a couple of months to work, and after that I'll have to go back and see him to see if there is anything else we need to do.

One thing I do know is that sometimes when you feel better about the way you look on the outside you feel better on the inside. I know this is something that shouldn't matter. After all it's what's on the inside that counts, but we can't control how we feel, and looking better on the outside can have a great impact on the inside. I'm not trying to be a model. I'm just trying to be the best 'me' that I can be, inside and out.

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