Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day 26- Focus

Today I thought I'd work on my focusing skills. Sometimes... ok well a lot of times my mind wanders. I always have something going on in that head of mine. I guess that's not such a bad thing. At least something's going on in there. I'll sometimes have a running list of things I need to do or more often than not I'll have totally random thoughts going on in my mind.

I found that the one time I seem to be really focused is when I'm playing the piano/organ or singing. Anybody that's ever seen me playing can attest to that. I usually always have my serious face on. If your a relative of mine you will know that we also have our very own focus technique. Aside from my serious face, some of my relatives including myself will stick out our tongues and rest it on our upper lip. Recently I've tried to replace this technique by biting my lip instead. This creates a kind of weird situation, because what I'm doing is focusing on not sticking out my tongue while focusing. Obviously this is something I don't do while singing.

I thought today would be a good day to start this challenge, because I play at three Masses on Sunday, and I really wanted to put all my attention on the readings and the homily, and let it all sink in. After the twenty or so times I had to tell myself to focus, I began to notice that it began to get easier. I am thinking that this will be an ongoing project for me, but the more I work on my focusing skills the better I will get.

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