Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 27- Exercise (10 minutes)

I've think I've gotten to the point where I can increase my exercise. In one of my earlier posts, my initial phase of exercise was just to get me into the habit, nothing more. It was only for five minutes, and wasn't really doing much for me, but it got me into this daily ritual of getting out there and just doing something even if it was just for five minutes.

Working out is a tough one for me, because I'm really not that into exercising. I'm really hoping that someday I'll get to a point where I may actually enjoy working out, but right now that is not something I can imagine anytime soon.

Today I'm really not increasing my time by too much. I thought I'd increase to a quick ten minute workout. Remember I've got a year to get my act together. There's no need to rush into things. One thing I have that I like is my WiiFit plus. It makes working out fun for me. It may not be something that will get me to where I want to be, but it is a good start.

As far as my long term goals are concerned, I've been hoping that as I increase my time that I'll be able to fine tune my workouts, so that I'll end up focusing my workouts on specifics areas for specific days of the week. Maybe some cardio one day, or strength training another day, and maybe a little yoga and so on. But this is a long term goal. I haven't even gotten to a reasonable workout time yet. I better not get ahead of myself. Remember baby steps. Right now I'm happy just to make it through my scheduled workout time.

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