Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 39- Deep Breath

Weddings, funerals, Novenas and Masses, oh my! I've been playing the piano/organ for a lot of events lately. It seems almost never-ending. I love my job, but even when you love to do something it still can get tiring and exhausting every once in awhile. Add on to that an injured arm, and it makes things even more stressful.

I've decided what I need to do when I get a little stressed or tired is to just slow down and take a few slow deep breaths to relax myself. By taking these deep breaths it relieves a bit of tension and helps me to relax. It also gives me a moment to get myself together, focusing on nothing else, but my slow deep breathing.

This is something I used to do in school when I used to perform. I'd often take a few slow deep breaths before going on stage. But I've realized that this is something that I can use to relax myself at other times in my life, not just when I'm performing. So when you're feeling a bit rundown or stressed just stop for a second and take few deep breaths this can make all the difference.

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